Persimmons & Quince

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Hunkering for Hygge

“Tis the season…after the season…when the Christmas trees have been consigned to the curb, it’s getting colder and we all have to bundle up until the moment we actually want Winter to Be Coming…in April when Game of Thrones returns for it’s final blockbuster season. But here’s how we’re making over our apartments with a few tricks borrowed from the Danes and the Finns - the techniques behind “hygge” which basically seems to mean staying cozy and comfortable and warm inside.

First…the right candles - especially the ones that won’t knock over and set your cozy apartment ablaze. I love the Diptypque “Pomander” - a bit of citrus, a warm orange-y smell that reminds me of both Christmas and the new year smacking me in the face at the same time.

See this Amazon product in the original post

The “Hygge” decoder…nifty little book that breaks down the origins etc.

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